SAD NEWS: As coco Guaff annaunce resignation due to her inability to see…more…

Maybe the angry gamblers on social media are a little annoying, but I love the button: block,” said Gauff. “They say I use it a lot on X, but I just say: Bye!”

However, the World No.2 stated she has a strong bond with all her fans who are positive. Furthermore, she admitted to obtaining satisfaction from all her positive encounters with fans all around the world.

“There are many things I love, but definitely the best thing about being a tennis player is the bond with people,” said Gauff. “Last week I met a guy who is a fan of mine. He started to get excited when he met me. It’s those things and those interactions that make you who you are, since what you do on the pitch matters, it doesn’t matter if you have fun and win everything or if you’re going through a period. difficult and you’re losing. These interactions with people are so satisfying that it’s worth it.”

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