Heartbreaking: Jeff Rich English Drummer Just Passed Away At The Aged of 71 …see..more….

Heartbreaking: Jeff Rich English Drummer Just Passed Away At The Aged of 71 …see..more….DRUMMER who’s been rocking all over the world is staging a percussion masterclass . . . in Glodwick.


Jeff Rich, legendary rockers Status Quo, is making the trip to see children at Greenhill Primary School, after receiving their special invitation.


In his bid to find the next generation of musical maestros, he’ll be encouraging pupils to take up any instrument, not necessarily the drums.


During the two-part workshop on October 11, children will learn about the history of drumming.


In part two the children will sample different drums even play live with Jeff.


School business manager, Joyce Ambrose said: “We haven’t told the children about it yet. We think some of them might know who Jeff is but they’ll be very excited when they find out a real life rock star is coming to school!


“There’s certainly some fans among the staff — me for one! They’re from my era,” she laughed.


Jeff (59), joined Status Quo in 1984 after drumming for Def Leppard.


He said: “The whole idea of workshops is to inspire the children to learn an instrument. If I do that my job is done.


“I always look forward to going into schools. I’m going to take 200 pieces of percussion with me and by the end of the day all the kids will be playing altogether.”



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